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Below is an action plan I use to help identify improvement opportunities.

The Path to Success

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, organizations face numerous opportunities that can drive growth and success. That's why it's crucial to embrace a proactive approach to improvement, allowing you to stay one step ahead and unlock the full potential of your organization.

1. Absorb Current Strategic Tactics

Understand current organizational strategy and tactical approach as described in documentation and by the sponsor(s) of the consultancy.

Determine key actor cohort tactically exercising strategy.

2. Interview Key Actor Cohort

Interview the small number of pivotal organizational actors who are involved in setting strategy and who provide the tactical cohesion to implement across the silos of the organization.

Individual whispering to elicit previously unspoken truths about strategic limits and tactical opportunities.

3. Triangulate and Draw on 46 years Experience

Triangulate key actor data to synthesise the organization’s strategic and tactical canons - current rules and beliefs and hence opportunities for targeted improvement.

Draw in-confidence parallels with extensive consultant experiences and begin considering findings with key actors to drive improvement.

4. Findings: Commend, Affirm, Recommend.

Commend where and what the organization is doing well.

Affirm those opportunities requiring address that are being addressed, with fine tuning.

Recommend priority for substantial opportunities not currently being attended.

5. Action Plan Next Steps

Facilitate leadership action planning to refocus strategy and rewire opportunistic tactical execution.

Assist executive to re-energise key actor cohort and reset their performance indicators to greater value.